I am so ready for Spring! I keep going through my packs of seeds and even looking through my onion sets! But when should I start them indoors? I live in Va so the weather here is crazy.Also does anyone mix up their own seed starter? I bought two bags yesterday and was wonder if their is a better way to get more starter.Our bags are so small! Thanks for any info!
When is the right time to start seedlings indoors?
02-24-2006, 07:47 AM
Re: When is the right time to start seedlings indoors? by flower_child (I am so ready for Sp...)
I will be starting most of my seedlings next weekend. I live in Illinois, zone 5. I'll wait a couple more weeks to start my tomatoes. I use those little Jiffy peat pellets. Once they start growing pretty good, I transfer them to peat pots with potting soil. But before I transfer them I take the netting off. Last year I had great results. I hope they come out good this year.
02-25-2006, 06:14 PM
Re: Re: When is the right time to start seedlings indoors? by pioneer (I will be starting m...)
It depends on what you are going to start. Frost hardy plants can be started now since they can be planted outside 6 to 8 weeks before your average latest date of frost. However frost tender plants should not be started until about 6 to 8 weeks before your average latest date of frost so they do not get too leggy.
You could mix up your own seed starter mix but it is messy and often difficult to get the material well mixed. It is simply easier and maybe less expensive to purchase starting mixes than try to find the matrial to use. What you do not need to buy are the really expensive soil less mixes that have fertilizer in them because before your seedlings can make use of that it will be washed out of the mix. I get 50 pounds bags for around $6.00 and they work just fine.
West Central Michigan along the lake shore.
02-26-2006, 09:41 AM
Re: Re: When is the right time to start seedlings indoors? by KimmSr (It depends on what y...)
Thanks for the advice. What is the brand of statter you use? I may have it at our local Lowes or at another plant store.I am really starting to get into the enjoyment of watching the seeds pop open and grow. I call it my after work relaxation job.I am trying to talk my husband into a green house but he doesn't want to get this excited about gardening until he starts getting all the free veggies in the summer!My girls like to garden but they are to young to get the full effect of growing something from a seed to a plant. Thank you again for the advice!
03-03-2006, 09:01 AM
Re: Re: When is the right time to start seedlings indo by flower_child (Thanks for the advic...)
I use just a pretty cheap, generic, potting soil. If there is a brand name I've not seen it.
West Central Michigan along the lake shore.
03-21-2006, 04:57 PM
Re: Re: When is the right time to start seedlings indo by KimmSr (I use just a pretty ...)
You should also check the seed packet. Good ones say how many weeks before the last frost you should plant them. Most perennial seeds get started 6-10 weeks early, with annuals a little later (4-8 weeks), but there are exceptions! For instance, annual geraniums and impatiens need to be started at least 3 months early. If it doesn't say on the packet, then there are many good seed starting reference books you can buy/check out from the library. One that has worked very well for me is: "Burpee Seed Starter: A Guide to Growing Flower, Vegetable, and Herb Seeds Indoors and Outdoors" by Maureen Heffernan. (Of course, all the "Recommended Cultivars" in the book are Burpee cultivars, but as a general source of information -- preferred germination and growing on temperatures, days to germination, cultural info, etc. -- it's been a valuable resource.)
I also use Jiffy pellets, but have found that larger seeds (melons, squash, cucumber) work better in just plain ol' potting mix. I've never used any of the soilless products. Grow lights and a greenhouse have also allowed me to expand the number and quality of my seedlings. Good luck!
The great thing about gardening is that you always get a chance to start over!
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