Has anyone had success keeping tuberous begonias alive in a greenhouse over the winter? (central Ohio)I brought my plants (in pots)into my small greenhouse before any frost, but the plants dropped their leaves, so I stopped watering them. Maybe they need a rest?

  Wintering Over Tuberous Begonias bella2009 Has anyone had succe...
My book says the tubers should be lifted around the first frost and stored in a frost-free spot such as a basement or garage over the winter. I've overwintered my wax begonias in the house, and they do fine foliage-wise, but it sounds like the tuberous variety is going to die back until next spring no matter what you do. At this point you should just store them like you would any overwintering bulb.
The great thing about gardening is that you always get a chance to start over!
Wintering Over Tuberous Begonias

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