I did not cut back my hydrangea plants last year - and am wondering if I should do it now, or just let it go this year. I don't want to stress the plant by cutting back this late, but will it stress it to have the old growth?

Not sure what to do - any help would be greatly appreciated!


  Hydrangea help! cdstevens Hi,[br]I did not cut...
You might try hydrangeashydrangeas.com. Real good sight. If they were mine, I would just let Mother Nature do her thing. Good luck, Happy Gardening, Susie44

  Re: Hydrangea help! Susie44 You might try hydran...
The website Susie44 lists looks good, and there are many other sites you can check out by doing a web search under "hydrangea pruning." The general consensus is that there are different varieties of hydrangeas that need to be pruned at different times of the year. The websites you find in your search will help you to identify which type of plant you have, and so when to prune it. However, that being said, there's no rule that says that you *have* to prune your hydrangeas. They can do just fine without it too. If you feel that you must prune it, but can't figure out what kind of hydrangea you have, it's probably safest to trim it back just as this year's new flowers fade.
The great thing about gardening is that you always get a chance to start over!

  Re: Hydrangea help! IntrepidMeredith The website Susie44 ...
The general consensus is that there are different varieties of hydrangeas that need to be pruned at different times of the year. The websites you find in your search will help you to identify which type of plant you have, and so when to prune it. However, that being said, there's no rule that says that you *have* to prune your hydrangeas.
Good luck, Happy Gardening
Hydrangea help!

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