This is my SIMPLE and CHEAP hot pepper spray recipe. 2 cups water, 3 heaping tablespoons crushed red pepper (Sam's Club). Bring to a boil. Let set overnight. Strain. Then reuse red pepper flakes, add 2 cups water and bring to boil. Let set overnight. Strain. Now you have 4 cups of this hot pepper spray concentrate. I use a tank sprayer. In it I put 1 cup hot pepper spray concentrate, 1 gallon water and 1 teaspoon Murphy's Soap OR Dawn dish soap. Mix thoughly. Spray on plants (fine mist) in the early morning before the sun is hot on the plants. If it rains HARD I reapply. We all know that if deer are REALLY hungry they will eat anything. But this is ONE of my ways I try and keep the critters from eating my gardens.
Homemade HOT PEPPER SPRAY to deter bunnies & deer
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