In your July/august 2006 issue of your magazine. Notes from the test garden.
5 do-it yourself fungus fighters. The number 4 calls for cornmeal to be used on the ground around the roses. Do I use the regular cornmeal of the self-rising cornmeal. I am already using the baking soda, liquid detergent and water combo it really worked goo. now I was wondering if I use the cornmeal would it be a better defense against the fungi along with the baking soda remedy.
5 do-it yourself fungus fighters. The number 4 calls for cornmeal to be used on the ground around the roses. Do I use the regular cornmeal of the self-rising cornmeal. I am already using the baking soda, liquid detergent and water combo it really worked goo. now I was wondering if I use the cornmeal would it be a better defense against the fungi along with the baking soda remedy.

I love all gardening.