Hi everyone, yes, I've read all the articles about whether and how to prune your clematis depending on what "class" it is in, but mine still has me stumped. I have no idea what the name of it is, but it has HUGE pure white flowers (no colored centers) in early spring, very prolific, and basically "bare legs." Problem is, it is climbing up a lamp post that is only about eight feet high, and it is a tangled mess at the top (a robin even built a nest in it last spring!) I am considering cutting it down severely next spring, but don't know whether to hack it to the ground, or just thin it out. Either way, I need to give it a severe cutback at the top. I am willing to sacrifice one year's growth if, in the long run, it will benefit it - should I go for it???
Thanks much!
Thanks much!
Chicago piano tuner